The extension notice follows a previous campaign for verification of residential details for all foreign nationals holding a residential permit, dependent passes and exemption certificates that began in 2017. The notice requires foreign nationals living in Tanzania who are yet to update their residential details to do so at the nearest immigration department offices of their abode within 30 days of the notice.On 1st November 2018 the Commissioner for Boarder Management and Control of the Immigration Department issued a notice of extension of time to all foreign nationals residing in Tanzania to update and verify their residential addresses.
Foreign nationals residing in Tanzania to have their residential details updated by 30 November 2018
How to comply with notice
Foreign nationals residing in Tanzania who hold residential permit, dependent passes and exemption certificates are to report to the nearest Immigration department within their district of residence with their permits and provide information as will be required by the forms prepared to facilitate the exercise and retain a duplicate of same as evidence of compliance.
Effects of not updating within notice time
Please note that a failure to submit the specified information under the notice will be regarded as an offence under the law. A special country-wide inspection will be carried out by the immigration services department upon the expiration of the extension period, and a foreign national residing in Tanzania who will be found in defiance of the notice will face legal consequences.